Some of you may not know this, but I used to write music for the most popular game of all time, Doom. Doom was the crucible in the evolution of PC games. I occasionally, because I’m totally vain, Google myself…
Wanted to post my cover of Red Barchetta from Rush before I simply get too old to sing it. Enjoy! [audio:|text=0x000000|bg=0xf8f8ec|bgcolor=0xF8F8EC|leftbg=0xBFBC94|rightbg=0xBFBC94|lefticon=0x908B62|righticon=0x908B62|slider=0xB4DD59]
Great new song by the Barenaked Ladies.
Been having a real good time going back through old gaming files. I used to be in a gaming club called PCGS, and we’d play, among many other games, Motocross Madness 2. This screenshot is from a race in June…
My 8-year old daughter has joined the local swim team. She’s always loved the water and swimming, but I was amazed at her time in the 50 yard freestyle. Just under 58 seconds. She literally left ever other swimmer in…
Dreamt of skating like when I was a kid. My late father was there.
Recently, I went to my Highschool’s 20-year reunion. One of the song present there was Aha’s Take On Me, which I just had to do in the studio. Enjoy!
Meaning, you don’t have the right to find it… I was reading Fox News about these Atheists that complain about prayer in (insert anything here). I had to really hand it to the wisdom, and intelligent articulation of some much-overlooked…
Your rainbow is shaded blue. What is says about you: You are a tranquil person. You appreciate friends who get along with one another. You share hobbies with friends and like trying to…
As you may now, the old site technology has been upgraded to WordPress. If you still want to see the old site, you’ll need to point your browser to Please understand that not all of the old features can…