Robin Olds, Fighter Pilot
I just got through reading the amazing memoirs of Brigadier General Robin Olds, “Fighter Pilot” written by his daughter, Christina Olds. I met Christina at this year’s Airventure in Oshkosh, WI. Her stories about her father immediately compelled me to buy the book.
Her father was the epitome of the true Fighter Pilot. A triple-ace (serving in both WW2 and Vietnam).
Robin Olds is probably the greatest aerial warrior America ever produced. He is the real deal, a fighter pilot’s fighter pilot, a consummate military professional, a natural, charismatic leader, and a true, heroic servant of our republic. His autobiography tells it like it was… and provides written proof why the people who served with him made him a legend. That men like Olds chose to wear our nation’s uniform does high honor to the profession. I confidently predict that this book will be an instant classic.