Lego Bricks are Cool

I have played with legos since 1976. I still have the first set, and I believe all the pieces to it. Now that I’m an adult, I’ve found that I’m back into them (having an eight-year old kid is great,…

Lions and Tigers…

I truly am amazed by the cyclical nature of the news media and humans in this country. On the one hand, they break the story about Tiger Woods, then people log in each day, day in and day out and…

So Then You Just Kissed Me

[audio:|text=0x000000|bg=0xf8f8ec|bgcolor=0xF8F8EC|leftbg=0xBFBC94|rightbg=0xBFBC94|lefticon=0x908B62|righticon=0x908B62|slider=0xB4DD59] Probably one of my most-requested songs, it’s Cindy from Tammany Hall. These guys kick ass.

Back When I Was Cool

Some of you may not know this, but I used to write music for the most popular game of all time, Doom. Doom was the crucible in the evolution of PC games. I occasionally, because I’m totally vain, Google myself…